Enrollment: Field Researchers for the Assessment of China’s Law-based Government

author:    time:2023-07-03     clicks:

The Assessment of China’s Law-based Government, a project initiated in 2013 by the School of Law-based Government (SLBG) of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), is one of the flagship projects in the field of the advancement of the rule of law. The Annual Assessment Report of China’s Law-based Government, published for nine consecutive years, has exerted extensive and profound social influence and has generated positive outcomes in law-based administration.

The summer vacation field research of the Assessment of China’s Law-based Government (2023) is about to start. In order to comprehensively assess the advancement of the law-based government of 100 cities in China (see the list of cities below for details), field researchers and volunteers are to be recruited.

For more details on recruitment: http://fzzfyjy.cupl.edu.cn/info/1023/15558.htm

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